Why is Nitric Oxide so Important for Men

Why is Nitric Oxide so Important for Men

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Nitric oxide’s function in the body was overlooked for many years. In fact, until several decades ago, very little attention was paid to the compound. 

However, in reality, it is one of the human body’s most essential molecules as it aids in cell communication. When scientists discovered this function, it resulted in the presentation of a Nobel Prize for Medicine.

It’s been known for a while that small amounts of nitric oxide are exhaled when we breathe and that it’s an air pollutant from factories and cars. 

Yet no one knew it played such an essential role in the body. This is especially true for men. Today we will discuss why nitric oxide is so important for men.

What Does Nitric Oxide Do?

This chemical compound is produced by almost every type of cell in the body and is essential for healthy blood vessels. Nitric oxide is a vasodilator which means it helps relax your blood vessels’ inner muscles, thus causing the vessels to become wider. Since it aids with these functions it helps lower blood pressure and increases blood flow.

To increase the amount of nitric oxide in your body you can purchase an no2 booster or eat certain foods. Though no2 boosters will help increase your body’s amount of nitric oxide the supplements don’t actually contain it. 

Instead, they are filled with compounds that your body will use to produce nitric oxide. Using such supplements have shown to provide many performance and health benefits for men.

Nitric Oxide Benefits

Aside from the health benefits mentioned above, there are several other advantages to increasing your body’s nitric oxide levels.
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Dilates arteries to increase blood flow and oxygen, control blood pressure, and safeguard against heart disease
  •  Transmits information through the brain’s nerve cells, thus improving memory 
  • Increases strength and endurance 
  • Helps the immune system fight tumors and bacteria 
  • Aids in the treatment and prevention of Erectile Dysfunction 
  • Improves overall quality of sleep 
  • May help to manage Type 2 Diabetes 
  • Boosts exercise performance 
  • May help decrease the soreness of muscles

How to Increase Nitric Oxide

The truth is that as men begin to age, production of nitric oxide in the body will naturally decrease. This is especially true for men with low activity levels and a poor diet. 

Once the development of arterial plaque begins, it interferes with nitric oxide production on the arteries’ interior surfaces. However, not to worry, as there are many ways to increase nitric oxide levels in your body.

Maintain healthy levels of testosterone

As we all should know, testosterone is important for heart and sexual function in men. Yet it also plays a vital role in protecting your natural productions of nitric oxide. It may be a good idea to have your levels of testosterone checked and get them raised to healthy levels using a hormone replacement program if needed.

Implement an exercise regimen

Exercise can be an easy way to naturally raise your nitric oxide levels. During exercise, muscles need oxygen so your heart begins to pump harder to provide it to them.

Once your blood flow increases it causes higher levels of nitric oxide to be released from arterial linings.Exercise can be an easy way to naturally raise your nitric oxide levels. 

During exercise, muscles need oxygen so your heart begins to pump harder to provide it to them. Once your blood flow increases it causes higher levels of nitric oxide to be released from arterial linings.

Consume plenty of nitric oxide foods

Adding specific foods to your diet can also help improve your levels of nitric oxide. Certain vegetables, especially leafy greens and beets contain nitrate. Once inside the body nitrate is converted into nitrites and eventually into nitric oxide.

 Other foods derived from plants such as red wine, fruits, and chocolate can provide polyphenols and other added compounds that increase the body’s production of nitric oxide across an array of pathways.

Any foods that provide L-arginine can also help since cells use this amino acid to create nitric oxide. Foods that are high in protein such as seeds, dairy products, beans, turkey, red meat, nuts, and seafood can all help with L-arginine. 

Keep in mind that nitric oxide can be destroyed by free radicals before your body has a chance to use it. To prevent this from happening get plenty of antioxidants. 

One easy way to do this is to eat fruits that are high in vitamin C.

At Dynamism Labs, we’re focused and dedicated to helping men maintain healthy levels of Nitric Oxide. 

If you want to reap the positive effects of No2 Boosters without the negative effects, you can rely on Dynamism’s Top rated supplement, No2 Extreme. 

It’s certified, natural, and the best Nitric Oxide Boosting supplement for men on the market.

Effects of Testosterone Boosters on Body Functions

Effects of Testosterone Boosters on Body Functions

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While aging gracefully is an honor, you will have to accept the changes that come with aging and adapt accordingly. For starters, it is common for men to experience a decline in sex drive as they age. In most cases, this decline begins at the age of 30 and any man can experience the rise and fall of testosterone levels (T-levels).

testosterone levels by age

Besides aging, factors like injury, treatments, disorders, and inflammation can lower T-levels. But you won’t give up your sex drive without a fight, will you? No way! To keep your sex drive at an all-time high, you need a testosterone booster that works perfectly.

What are Testosterone Boosters?

Also known as T-boosters, testosterone boosters can increase testosterone levels
in the bloodstream. Higher testosterone levels equate to a higher sexual drive. To what end? Testosterone boosters are just like appetite stimulants. We all know one person who always eats more after a hearty appetizer or taking a pill, right? Some people eat more naturally. Others require a little help. These principles also apply to how T-boosters work.

Testosterone boosters are just like appetite stimulants but for increasing sexual drive instead of food consumption. When you take testosterone boosters, T-levels increase from low to normal. This leads to an increase in sexual desire and sexual activity. As we all know, more sexual drive increases satisfaction. But how do T-boosters effect these changes?

testosterone effects on body

How Testosterone Boosters Influence Bodily Functions

The intensity of the effects of testosterone boosters on bodily functions can vary from person to person. But, most people experience an increase in sexual drive regardless of age. How are these changes achieved with testosterone boosters?

Increases Sexual Drive

We’ve all heard the “use it or lose it” theory as teenagers, right? Recent studies show that this theory is partly true. More sexual stimulation and actual sex leads to an increase in testosterone. To find what you’ve lost, you have to walk back to where you had it last.

since there is no way to make you younger, testosterone boosters focus on reacquiring your sex drive. So, testosterone boosters like MANTFUP
increase natural T-levels to help men reacquire their desire for sex. Higher sex drive leads to increased sexual stimulation, activity, and satisfaction. It creates a surge in sexual appetite!

Increase Red Blood Cells

Once testosterone boosters are assimilated, they travel around the body in the bloodstream (this is why a blood test is used to measure T-levels). While in the bloodstream, testosterone boosters can catalyze the bone marrow to produce more red blood cells. These cells deliver oxygen to different body parts and drive you all day long.

With more red blood cells working overtime, you will feel more energetic and your sex drive will also increase. More red blood cells may also have a positive effect on your heart.

Muscular Body

Most people associate a muscular body with high T-levels. But is it actually associated? The increase in oxygen delivered by red blood cells can help you obtain a muscular body because your muscles benefit from extra oxygen and bulk.

t booster for muscular body

An increase in testosterone catalyzes an increase in neurotransmitters, which is tasked with tissue growth. This is why a muscular body is regarded as one of the effects of testosterone boosters.

Melt the Fat

You can’t obtain muscles out of the blue, right? So, where does body fat go? Most people start gaining weight after hitting 30 years as T-levels drop. But, testosterone boosters can reverse this and ensure you maintain your build long past 30 years.

t booster for fat loss

Testosterone causes protein synthesis by interacting with nuclear receptors in DNA. It also increases growth hormones. An increase in synthesis and growth hormones makes it easier for you to convert body fat into muscles. With testosterone boosters, you can exercise and obtain a muscular body quickly by converting body fat.

Enhance Bone Density

Testosterone in the bloodstream interacts with bone marrow, which ramps up the production of red blood cells. An increase in red blood cells increases bone density. With higher T-levels, you are less likely to suffer from bone fractures and breaks.

Rejuvenates Hair Growth

Being the only one among your teenage friends without any signs of a broken voice or a soft beard was brutal. Rising T-levels encourage the growth of pubic hair and body hair. Some users of testosterone for men have experienced a rejuvenation of hair growth. Just like a lush mane of a virile lion, obtaining thick and lush hair signals your sexual strength ahead of the pack.

Issues to Consider

For you to obtain all the positive effects of testosterone boosters on bodily functions, you need the best testosterone for men on the market! You can’t obtain these benefits if you pick any random testosterone supplement. Why? Because not all T-boosters for men are developed with the same technology and natural testosterone ingredients

There are several negative effects of testosterone boosters on body functions. The risk of suffering these negative effects increases drastically if you use low-quality testosterone boosters.

  • Sperm production: Using low-quality testosterone boosters can negatively affect how the testicles function. In some cases, low-quality testosterone boosters can enlarge the prostate, which makes the testicles become softer and smaller. This can lead to a decrease in sperm production.
  • Unmanageable sex drive: Control and moderation are vital for any T-booster. Using uncertified and low-quality boosters increase the risk of producing very high levels of hormones. Maintaining high hormone levels constantly is unhealthy. It can be challenging to focus on daily life and activities with unmanageable sexual stimulation and desire.
  • Dormancy of organs: Some testosterone boosters can take over bodily functions permanently. They can render an organ obsolete. This usually occurs when a booster substitutes the work done by the organ and does not let go even after you stop taking the booster.
  • Emotional roller-coaster: Some testosterone boosters can lead to wild fluctuation in T-levels. Abnormal fluctuation of hormone levels can take you on an emotional roller-coaster of a lifetime. From high to low esteem in an instant. Or, sad to happy and back to sad all day long.

You don’t have to increase the risk of suffering from these negative effects. Always insist on certified and approved testosterone boosters.

At Dynamism Labs, we’re focused and dedicated to helping men maintain healthy levels of testosterone. If you want to reap the positive effects of testosterone boosters without the negative effects, you can rely on Dynamism’s Top Selling supplement, MANTFUP. It’s certified, natural, and the best Testosterone Boosting supplement for men on the market. With MANTFUP, you can stabilize your natural testosterone levels safely and regain control of your happiness

Muscle Gain Workouts for Skinny Arms and Legs

Muscle Gain Workouts for Skinny Arms and Legs

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Building muscle can be a bit more of a challenge when you’re naturally a lean or skinny person. If you want to see significant changes in your muscle mass then you will need to set new habits for muscle gain. Stick to these habits with consistency and rigor and you might just start to see the results you want!

Eating more, eating more often, and working out are key steps to gaining muscle when you’re a skinny person. 

The next important thing to remember is that you need to be doing the correct kind of muscle gain workouts if you have skinny arms and legs. If you exercise and workout, and still are struggling to see the muscle gains you would like, consider adding a muscle gain supplement to your health regimen.

Not every workout is created equal. Each style of working out and different exercises all serve different purposes with the body. 

There are cardio workouts, fat-burning workouts, and muscle-building workouts. We will focus on the muscle gaining workouts in this blog because we want to learn how to benefit those of us with skinny arms and legs.

Important Reminder: you should always consult with your primary physician before starting a new fitness or nutritional program to avoid harming yourself.

Disclaimer: Always wear appropriate clothing, shoes and use appropriate equipment to avoid injury during a workout.

#1 Workout - Dumbbell Single-Arm Row

Dumbbell Single-Arm Row

3 sets of 10 reps per arm. Hold a 2-second pause at the top of each rep.

How to do a single arm row:

Bend at the waist to create a tabletop with your back, leaving a slight bend in your knees. Let your arms hang straight down to the floor, with your dumbbell in one hand.

Pull the weight straight up towards your body, keeping the elbow in close to your torso, until your elbow is bent to a right angle. Straighten your arm and repeat.

#2 Workout - One-handed or Alternating Pushup

muscle gain workouts

3 sets of 8 to 10 reps – Only rest when needed.

How to do a One-Handed Pushup: 

Enter standard push-up position, and pull one hand either behind your waist or across your chest.

How to do an Alternating Pushup:

Enter a standard push-up position. Bend both elbows and upon straightening them bring one hand across your chest to tap your opposite shoulder. Alternate this action with each arm.

#3 Workout - Dumbbell Reverse Lunges

Dumbbell Reverse Lunges

2 sets of 10 lunges per leg.

How to do a Dumbbell Reverse Lunge:

Hold a dumbbell of the weight you choose in each hand. Step backward into a lunge and curl the dumbbells up into a bicep curl, simultaneously. Be sure to stop the bend in your knees at a right angle to avoid injury.

Do not do this exercise on a slick surface or risk slipping.

#4 Workout - Kettlebell Swinging Squat

Kettlebell Swinging Squat

3 sets of 10 reps.

How to do Kettlebell Swinging Squats:

Place feet shoulder-width apart, toes facing forward. Grip the handle of the kettlebell with both hands. Squat down, keeping the back straight and knees right over the toes.

When you straighten your legs, swing the kettlebell up parallel to the floor straight out in front of you. Drop the bell to rest your arms against the front of your body, and squat again. Repeat.

#5 Workout - Standing Calf Raises

Cropped view of two women standing side by side

3 sets of 10 reps.

How to do Standing Calf Raises: 

Stand near a surface you can hold on to in case you lose your balance. Shift your body weight onto your toes as you raise your heels off the floor, with straight knees and squeezing your buttocks. Lower, and repeat.

#6 Workout - Overhead Tricep Extensions

workout with dumbbells

3 sets of 10 reps.

How to do Overhead Tricep Extensions: 

Grasp a single dumbbell with both hands, either by the handle or by wrapping both hands around the “bell” at one end. Position the dumbbell overhead — this is the starting position. If you’re holding the weight by one end, the other end should hang down below your hands, not stick up above them. Keep your arms close to your head, elbows pointing forward, as you bend your arms to lower the weight behind your head. Straighten your arms, pressing the weight back overhead, to complete the repetition.

#7 Workout - Box Jumps

Box Jumps

2 sets of 10 reps.

How to do Box Jumps:

Doing a box jump is not complicated. Hop onto an appropriately sized box, whatever that is for you, hop back down, then spring back up. Repeating this motion in a series of reps will help your balance and coordination as well as building leg muscle.

As mentioned above, healthy eating and a strategic workout plan can help you gain muscle in your skinny arms and legs. However, why not build this muscle faster and more effectively by trying our a muscle gain supplement.

For a limited time, we’d like to offer a discount to those of you who made it through this blog and want to try out our Dynamism Labs No2 Supplement. Use the code “15offno2” and get your 15% OFF discount. You should have your supplements at your doorstep in only a few days. 

Does Testosterone Aid Aging Men

Does Testosterone Aid Aging Men

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Testosterone levels for men generally reach their peak during adolescence and early adulthood. However, as men age, these levels will gradually decline over time. In fact, they usually decrease about 1% each year after the age of 30 or 40. For older men, it’s important to determine whether the lowered levels are due to the natural aging process, or if it’s caused by a disease such as hypogonadism. If the issue is caused by natural changes that occur during aging, it may be a good idea to begin looking into a testosterone booster for men.

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a hormone that’s found naturally in the human body, and is produced by the testicles. It’s responsible for the development of male genitalia and secondary sexual characteristics.

Testosterone helps maintain:

  • Bone density
  • Red blood cells
  • Reproductive and sexual function
  • Muscle mass and strength
  • Fat distribution
  • Sperm Production

This hormone is also important because it contributes to a man’s well-being and vitality.

What happens when a man’s testosterone is low?

When a man’s testosterone levels are low, there are numerous physical changes that occur in the body. Here are some of the most common side effects of low testosterone:

  • An increase of body fat
  • Bones become fragile
  • Decreased amount of body hair
  • Tenderness or swelling in breast tissue
  • Hot flashes
  • Cholesterol metabolism changes
  • Increased fatigue
  • Decreases in sex drive

Yet, that’s not all. Low testosterone can also lead to insomnia and other changes to sleep patterns. As if that’s not bad enough, it can also contribute to emotional changes. It can lead to increased feelings of depression and sadness. Some men may even notice they have issues with concentration, memory, as well as lowered self-confidence and motivation.

How to Increase Testosterone

There are many proven methods for increasing testosterone. Let’s take a look at the best ways:


One of the most effective ways to boost levels naturally is by exercising. Studies have shown that people who regularly exercise have higher levels of testosterone. This is also true in elderly men.

It’s said that the best types of exercise for this are resistance training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Yet, any type should help at least a little. It’s also suggested that taking creatine monohydrate and caffeine in combination with a training program will increase your results.

Eat Carbs, Protein, and Fat

Diet plays a major role in testosterone levels, and that of other hormones as well. The best option is to pay attention to long-term caloric intake and diet strategies. When a man constantly diets or overeats, it can disrupt natural testosterone levels.

Yet, eating the right amounts of protein can help maintain healthier levels and help with fat loss. Research has shown that eating carbs can help optimize testosterone levels, especially during resistance training. Perhaps one of the best things you can eat though is healthy fats. They are not only good for T-levels, but also for overall health.

A diet focused on whole foods is a great option, as it will provide the correct amounts of protein, carbs, and fats.

Additionally, there are lots of testosterone boosting foods you can add to your diet. Some of the best ones include:

  • Tuna
  • Low fat milk with vitamin D
  • Fortified cereals
  • Egg yolk
  • Beef
  • Shellfish
  • Oysters
  • Beans
  • Ginger
  • Leafy green vegetables
  • Pomegranates
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Onions

There are lots of other foods that can help as well. You should also keep in mind that there are foods you need to avoid that can actually decrease testosterone levels. These foods include ones that are processed, packaged in plastic or cans, and alcohol.

Reduce Stress

There’s plenty of research that shows all the ways long-term stress and elevated cortisol levels can hurt your body. When it comes to men, constant elevations in cortisol will quickly deplete testosterone levels. These two hormones work much like a seesaw: when one raises, the other lowers.

Stress can lead to an increase in food intake, which will lead to weight gain and the storage of body fat around the organs. These changes alone are enough to decrease your testosterone levels.

Take a Testosterone Booster for Men>

Testosterone boosters are supplements specially formulated for men with low T-levels. They are a natural blend of herbs that can help increase the body’s levels of testosterone. Once you begin taking a T booster supplement, you’ll notice changes such as:

  • The body begins to get rid of fat and build more muscle
  • Skills such as mathematical reasoning, spatial learning, and memory will get better
  • Libido will increase
  • Mood will improve

These are just a few ways a testosterone booster can help men. However, these benefits will happen much faster when combined with regular exercise and a well-balanced diet.

Should Old Men Take Testosterone Boosters?

Testosterone boosters can be a beneficial supplement for men of all ages. However, older men should first consult with their doctor to ensure their heart is healthy enough to begin taking them. There have been many studies conducted on this subject and some findings have been less than stellar for certain groups of men.

The research found that in terms of libido and sexual function, when T-levels were raised from low to normal, erectile dysfunction, sexual desire, and sexual activity all increased. It also helped improve symptoms of depression and their overall moods.

Researchers also found that T booster supplements helped increase bone density and strength.  However, researchers were unable to link these supplements with improved cognitive function. At the same time, they did find that older men who take testosterone boosters were at an increased risk of heart attack, as there was a significant increase in the volumes of non-calcified coronary artery plaque.

So, as we mentioned, such supplements may be beneficial for some older men, but you should always consult with your doctor before you begin taking one.

In the end, maintaining healthy levels of testosterone is important at any age. If you are experiencing side effects of low Testosterone, it may be time to begin looking for a quality supplement. Our MAN TF UPnatural Testosterone Boosting supplement is specifically formulated to address the issues that come with declining testosterone levels. Our goal is to help you stabilize natural Testosterone levels to achieve a safe, healthy balance and get your life back!

Visit our website for more information on our revolutionary supplement, reviews and more!

Benefits of Bacopa Monnieri on Human Brain

Benefits of Bacopa Monnieri on Human Brain

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Bacopa monnieri is a plant that’s used in traditional Indian medicine. It’s also known as water hyssop, brahmi, the herb of grace, and thyme-leaved gratiola. It’s found growing in tropical, wet environments including in ponds, wetlands, and tidal lands.

Though it’s a popular underwater plant for aquariums, Bacopa monnieri is more widely used as a nootropic. In fact, Ayurvedic doctors have been using it for centuries for brain enhancement and other reasons. It’s commonly found in the best brain boosting supplements, and for good reason. Let’s take a look at the benefits of Bacopa monnieri on the human brain.

Antidepressant Properties Many people around the world live with depression. It is a hard mental illness to deal with as it varies in effects and intensity depending on the person’s environmental factors and history of mental health. Regardless, this condition keeps many sufferers from ever seeking help, which causes some to become lost on a dark road that can end in suicide.

It’s thought that low serotonin levels inside the brain can play a role in developing or worsening the symptoms of depression. Studies conducted on Bacopa have shown that the supplement boosts activity of the brain’s neurotransmitters. Thus, increasing the natural production levels of serotonin.

It’s been found that patients using Bacopa for only 8 weeks have shown great improvement with their symptoms of depression. This supplement can help improve brain health and stabilize moods.

Boosts Brain Function

Bacopa monnieri is contained in the best memory pills because it’s known to help improve overall brain function. Multiple studies have been conducted on this supplement, and each shows promising results.

One study conducted on mice showed that after being supplemented with Bacopa it improved their ability to retain info and spatial learning capabilities. This study also found that it helped increase dendritic branching and length. Dendrites are found within the brain’s nerve cells and are linked to memory and learning.

May Help Relieve and Prevent Stress and Anxiety

This powerful herb may help prevent stress and anxiety. It’s actually labeled as an adaptogenic herb. This means it can increase the body’s natural resistance to stress.
Not only can it help reduce anxiety and stress by helping elevate your mood, but it is also shown to reduce levels of cortisol, the hormone linked to stress. Studies have found that it has effects most similar to lorazepam, which is a prescription medication used for anxiety.

Helps Manage Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a nervous system disorder that causes people to experience seizures. The seizures are caused by environmental triggers that cause changes in brain activity. While this condition is rarely fatal, it can cause complications when other nervous system conditions are present.

While Bacopa won’t replace your regular Epilepsy medication, it’s thought that if you supplement with the herb in addition to the prescriptions, it will help ensure that you have fewer seizures. In the event a seizure does occur, Bacopa can help reduce the duration and intensity of it.

Reduces Symptoms of ADHD

ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a disorder that’s characterized by impulsivity, inattentiveness, and hyperactivity. Some studies have shown that taking Bacopa can help reduce the symptoms of this condition.

A study followed 31 children between the ages of 6 and 12 years old for 6 months. Researchers found that by taking just 225 mg of Bacopa monnieri daily significantly reduced the symptoms of ADHD for 85% of the children. Symptoms that were reduced included inattention, impulsivity, poor self-control, and restlessness.

A similar study was conducted using 120 children. It found that when children were given 125 mg of Bacopa it helped with their cognition, attention, and impulse control when compared to the placebo group.

May Prevent Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Bacopa monnieri may be among the best supplements for brain health because it may help prevent cognitive diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Dementia. While there is no known cure for either of these diseases, this supplement has shown promising results for slowing the progression of the disease. It contains many antioxidants that work to clear the neural pathways of free radicals. These free radicals are what cause oxidative damage to the brain’s cells.

Enhances Mental Focus

While you won’t become the main character in the movie “Limitless”, it can help improve your focus and mental clarity. It’s highly regarded by many for its nootropic effects, and is known to boost neural pathways to improve decision-making, memory, and thinking.

Hence, taking Bacopa daily can help not only increase your focus, but also your concentration which allows you to more efficiently solve problems and execute decisions. When you take focus vitamins, you’ll find that your “brain-fog” is cleared and you can think more clearly than ever before.

It Contains Powerful Antioxidants

Perhaps the best benefit gained by Bacopa monnieri is its content of powerful antioxidants. Remember that antioxidants are substances known to help protect your body’s cells from damage caused by free radicals.

The damage caused by free radicals can lead to conditions such as cancers, diabetes, and heart disease.

Bacopa does this because it contains bacosides. These active compounds are shown to not only neutralize free radicals, but also prevent fat molecules from reacting with them as well. This is great because when fat molecules are allowed to react with free radicals, they undergo what’s known as lipid peroxidation. This process is linked to Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and other disorders of the neurological system.

So, if you are looking for the best brain boosting supplements, be sure to find one that contains Bacopa monnieri. It offers many health benefits beyond the ones we’ve discussed today. There are many memory enhancing supplements on the market today, so it can be hard to choose one.

One of the best memory pills we’ve tried was created by Dynamism Labs Parent company of Mantfup and is called.  It contains a proprietary blend which includes Bacopa, Ginkgo Biloba, caffeine, and GABA.

There was also a study that lasted 12 weeks and followed 46 healthy adults who took 300 mg of Bacopa daily. This study concluded that these people had improved processing speeds for visual information, they learned faster, and had better memories than those given a placebo.

A third study that also lasted 12 weeks, but looked at 60 older adults, found that when they took 300 mg or 600 mg of the supplement daily it improved their attention, memory, and ability to process info when compared to those given placebo treatment.

Essential Ingredients Of A Good No2 Supplement

Essential Ingredients Of A Good No2 Supplement

For those who are not new to supplement drugs, nitric oxide is a supplement you may have come across. Due to its amazing benefits, they may have for workout enthusiasts; you may have at least tried it once or almost. Nitric oxide is essentially a vasodilator i.e., a substance that promotes the relaxing of the inner muscles of the blood vessels, hence resulting in the widening of vessels. Therefore, nitric oxide supplements help to increase the quantity of (NO) in the body, hence, building better endurance, improved muscle pump, and quicker recovery.

Biologically, nitric oxide is produced by almost all types of cells in the body; it is also one of the major molecules for the health of blood vessels. All things being equal, nitric oxide supplements are considered to be one of the best pre-workout supplements that can do wonders for any fitness routine. Also, it helps lower blood pressure and increases blood flow. Most of these top nitric oxide supplements do not contain in itself nitric acid. They contain certain compounds i.e., L- citrulline and L-arginine, that the human body can break down to make nitric oxide.

Asides the improved health of blood vessels and other fitness benefits, nitric oxide has proven to be beneficial in general health and performance. For example, it helps with erectile dysfunction, helps lower blood pressure, reduces muscle soreness, helps manage Type 2 diabetes, and enhances exercise performance.

This natural pre-workout supplement stimulates the release of hormones like the human growth hormone and insulin. In the market today, there are several dietary supplements sold as top nitric oxide supplements or nitric oxide boosters. However, they only contain essential ingredients that help form an excellent nitric oxide in the body, and these are the common ingredients; L- citrulline and L-arginine.

L-arginine is basically an essential amino acid, i.e., it is only consumed in food under certain conditions, although healthy adults produce what they need. Naturally, it produces nitric oxide directly via a process known as the L-arginine-NO pathway. Quite a number of research have shown that the use of L-arginine is helpful in increasing blood flow. However, this is only possible in specific populations. For individuals affected by high blood pressure and pregnant women, L-arginine helps in the effective, stable flow or lowering of blood pressure. Although there is still much evidence that points to the ability of L-arginine to enhance blood flow or exercise performance in healthy individuals are still mixed.

On the other hand, L-citrulline is much of dispensable amino acid; this means the body can produce all it requires. In the conversion process of L-arginine to nitric oxide, the by-product produced is L-citrulline.

L-citrulline can then be re-converted or recycled into L-arginine. This can be used to increase the body’s natural nitric oxide production for a fact. L-citrulline surges the level of L-arginine in the body more than the supplementing L-arginine itself. This is due to the large percentage of L-arginine being broken down before it is released into the bloodstream.

Also, researches have shown that L-citrulline increases the flow of blood, improves exercise performance, and reduces blood pressure.

Even with high doses, L-citrulline has a low risk of side effects, hence why it is considered to be relatively safe. Therefore, the amino acids L-arginine and L-citrulline produce nitric oxide in the body. They are available as a top natural pre-workout supplement and contain valuable effects on blood flow, blood pressure, and vascular health.

Naturally, you can find L-arginine in lots of poultry, fish, and red meat. When consumed as food, it releases nitric oxide into one’s bloodstream.

The natural way to increase one’s intake of nitric oxide is by consuming enough anti-oxidant rich grains and vegetables. This helps you increase your physical performance and also improve your body’s level of nitric oxide. However, top nitric oxide supplements are available as tablets, which makes them ideal for on-the-go supplementation.

On the other hand, Tablets are rather a poor choice if you have issues gulping down capsules. If you are in that category, then the powder mix is the right choice for you because of the rapid mix rate and faster absorption into the body.

A lot of the top nitric oxide supplements also have additional effective ingredients like vitamins C and D. Also, there has been working evidence that these vitamins may help improve nitric oxide production.

he lack of NO in the body may result in several symptoms. First, you may lack NO in the body as a result of your habit choice or age. As we grow old, our body’s capacity to produce nitric oxide decreases. Also, incessant poor choice of habits like bad diet, smoking, and lack of physical exercise are major contributing factors to the low level of NO in the body.

The deficiency of NO results in a decrease in physical performance, reduced cognitive prowess, low libido, etc. To know if you are NO deficient, we would not recommend self-diagnosis, but visit your medical personnel and request the saliva test strip.

Other reported benefits of nitric oxide include: treatment of altitude sickness, improves weight loss, helps heal diabetic foot ulcers, etc. If you are a fan of these pre-workout supplements such as nitric oxide supplements, you should be aware of the risks involved in its continuous consumption.

For a larger population of those who take NO supplement, they experience no side effects, while only a few accounts for mild side effects. Some of which include; bloating, nausea, headache, etc. However, certain people are advised not to take nitric oxide supplements because of their high vulnerability to high-risk side effects like Cirrhosis or liver scarring, amongst others.

That said, NO supplements do not cause side effects in most people, hence why it is important to speak to a doctor before visiting your local pharmacy. Now that you are introduced to NO and its important ingredients. You would do well to make your purchase as a fitness enthusiast looking to purchase the best pump supplement or pre-workout supplement.

Fat Burner Supplement

Essential Ingredients of A Good Fat Burner Supplement

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Are you looking to lose weight? If you already have a diet and exercise plan in place but still aren’t shedding the pounds fast enough, you should consider purchasing a fat burner supplement. However, like anything else, not all of them are created equal. So, before you run out and choose the first one you see, read our list of essential ingredients of a good fat burner supplement. Knowing which ingredients to look for will help you choose the best dietary supplement for weight loss.

Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia Cambogia is a tropical fruit that’s a popular ingredient in the best natural supplements for weight loss. It’s said that it works to block the body’s ability to produce fat and suppresses your appetite. The rind of the fruit contains HCA, or hydroxycitric acid, which blocks the enzyme known as citrate lyase. This enzyme is what your body utilizes to produce fat. The fruit also raises levels of serotonin in the brain, and this helps you feel less hungry.


Caffeine is one of the most popular ingredients found in nearly every fat burner, though it can come in various forms. One great form contained in some of the best weight loss pills for men and women is green coffee bean extract. Not only does caffeine naturally increase the body’s metabolism, but it also works great to reduce your appetite. Just beware that the body will develop a tolerance for it overtime, so try to cycle between fat burners that contain caffeine and ones that don’t.

Raspberry Ketone

Raspberry ketone is the compound that gives fresh red raspberries their smell. It’s touted as one of the best natural supplements for weight loss. This is mainly because the ketones help to regulate the body’s natural release of norepinephrine, which leads to a spike in body temperature and speeds up metabolism.

African Mango Seed Extract

African mango seed extract is newer to the market, but is showing excellent results as a weight loss supplement. In fact, people who took just 150 mg of it, twice per day showed improvements with body fat, waist circumference, and body weight. 

There are other added benefits to taking this extract such as improved heart health, lower cholesterol, lower C-reactive protein, and lowered blood glucose. The best part is the people in the study made no changes to their daily lifestyle and, on average, they lost between 8 and 10 pounds.


There are many fat burners on the market that contain fiber. This is because fiber helps reduce hunger cravings. The best part is many forms of it pass directly through your digestive system, and doesn’t count toward your daily caloric intake. 

It works wonders to help you from overeating while you’re trying to lose weight. Also, eating foods and taking supplements that contain fiber can promote good gut health which helps break down nutrients such as fatty acids, protein, and carbs. Much like caffeine, fiber can be found in many forms. A great form used by many weight loss supplements is psyllium husk.


L-arginine is an amino acid found in many meats and dairy products. It’s also an ingredient in many fat burners. It’s great for helping burn fat and enhance the growth of muscle mass. When this compound is placed in dietary supplements for weight loss it works to help the body use collected fats as an energy source. Burning the fat to produce energy helps to develop muscle mass and boost your metabolism.


This is an important component for beta-oxidation, which is the process where fatty acids are broken down to produce energy. Alone, fatty acids are not able to make it across the mitochondrial membrane. However, when L-carnitine is detected, the process becomes possible, thus allowing the cell to generate enough energy needed to push through a tough workout.


This is a stimulant found in the plant Pausinystalia Yohimbe. Many people agree that when this extract is taken before a workout it can enhance your body’s ability to release fat. However, you should keep in mind that Yohimbine works best when you are fasting, as insulin is not present.

Green Tea Extract

Green tea is made from leaves that haven’t been processed as much as oolong or black tea leaves. Since it doesn’t go through so long of a process, green tea has more polyphenols than most all other types of tea. 

These compounds are antioxidants that come from plant sources. Two main polyphenols contained in green tea extract are flavonoids and catechins. The compound thought to have fat burning capabilities and boost metabolism are catechins. Aside from this, green tea is also a stimulant, so it can help you workout for longer periods of time.


This is from a family of over 200 plants, of which the most commonly known one is chili peppers. Such plants contain a polyphenol called capsaicinoid, which gives peppers their spicy flavor and heat. 

Capsicum is contained in some of the best dietary supplements for weight loss due to the fact they help break down ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is the body’s most essential form of energy which stimulates lipase and breaks down fat to use as energy.

In the end, there are many fat burner supplements on the market. However, before choosing one be sure to read the ingredients list. While you probably won’t find one that contains every one of the ingredients mentioned above, there are ones that contain the majority of them.

One of the best weight loss pills for both men and women is called Lean Advanced Fat Burner. It was created by Dynamism Labs and is available for purchase online.

Regardless of which fat burner you choose to try, you’ll be glad you did! Once you combine one of these supplements with exercise and the right type of diet your extra pounds will start falling off in no time! Through the use of one of these products you’ll be able to reach your weight loss goals in no time.

Beard growth supplement - Worried about losing your beard?

Top 10 Reasons You Didn’t Know Why Beard Growth Reduces in Men

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One day your beard is growing fine, and the next thing you know it seems to stop. Have you recently been dealing with reduced beard growth? You’re not alone! There are many reasons this can happen to men, and there are some things you can do such as take beard growth supplements. Today we’ll discuss the top 10 reasons you didn’t know why beard growth reduces in men.

Reason 1 - You Don’t Eat Enough To Support Proper Beard Growth

Have you recently been consuming fewer calories than you are used to? You may not know this but it takes a lot of calories to grow facial hair. This is especially true if you want it to grow fast. If you begin eating a diet that consists of too few calories it can reduce the hormones in your body that regulate hair growth.

There was a 7-year study that compared men who consumed low-calorie diets to men who ate normal diets. The results were clear, men who ate less had much lower levels of testosterone than the men who ate more each day. 

Remember that testosterone is the key hormone that regulates beard growth. If you begin eating too little each day it will noticeably slow your growth.

Reason 2 - Too Much Stress In Your Life

Stress can bring about many negative effects on your body. It is a big factor in good physical health. 

So, when you are deprived of proper sleep levels or over-worked your facial hair will not grow as fast or as strong as it should. Any type of stress that you can alleviate from your life will help but some people can do very little to change their current stress levels.

If there’s not much you can do about your stress at least be sure to drink plenty of water, rest when you can, and eat a balanced diet. You can also regularly exercise and look into taking beard growth supplements.

Reason 3 - Aggressive Care Routines

While taking proper care of your facial hair is one of the best ways to grow a beard, you can go overboard with your care routine. In fact, there are many things men do that damage their beards and suppress their natural growth rates. 

For example, using a blow-dryer on too high of a heat setting on a wet beard can actually cause structural damage to the hair follicles and fibers. Applying other forms of heat such as beard straighteners can also cause a great deal of damage if a heat shield spray is not used in the process.

So, the main things you need to avoid when it comes to caring for your beard are intense heat, combing it too often, using too many products that lead to clogged pores, picking at it, and washing it too often.

Reason 4 - Not Getting Proper Amounts of Vitamins & Minerals

Let’s face it, your body needs certain amounts of specific vitamins and minerals to function properly. So, when your diet is lacking fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K2 your beard will begin to grow slower. 

The same is true for the family of B vitamins, especially biotin, as they are essential for proper hair growth. If you don’t get the proper vitamins from your diet it’s a great idea to find the best beard growth supplement that contains the vitamins mentioned above as well as selenium, zinc, calcium, boron, and magnesium.

Reason 5 - Being Too Impatient

A full beard will not grow overnight, or even in a month. Like most great things, a beard takes time! In fact, the average beard only grows about half-an-inch per month. Another thing to keep in mind is that the hair growth rate is different for every man. 

So, don’t bother comparing yourself to another bearded man because your genetics are different! Just remember don’t give up because parts of your beard may simply develop slower than others. 

Beards will continue to develop until men reach their 30s. So, even if you have a patchy beard in your 20s you have plenty of time for it to reach its full potential. Regardless of how old you are, you should always allow a full two months to grow a beard.

Reason 6 - Letting Your Beard Get Too Dry

Many beard issues, including dandruff and itch, are easy to get rid of with proper hydration. It’s highly recommended that you use a daily moisturizer in your beard. So, the best way to prevent your beard hair from becoming too dry is to moisturize it daily and then add some beard oil to make the hairs softer.

Reason 7 - Decreased Hormone Levels

Facial hair is what’s known as androgenic-hair. Its growth is regulated and stimulated by the two male hormones known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and testosterone (T). More specifically, DHT regulates linear growth while T primes the hair follicles. 

There are many reasons men see reduced amounts of these hormones including lack of sleep, weight gain, aging, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and deficiencies of vitamins and minerals, among others.

Reason 8 - Not Engaging In Regular Exercise

The key to healthy facial hair is having a healthy mind and body. One of the best ways to grow a beard is to engage in regular exercise. In fact, exercise is essential for healthy circulation, healthy aging, and managing hormone levels.

Reason 9 - Improper Shaving Techniques

There are many beard myths out there, and perhaps the worst is that shaving against the grain and more often helps stimulate growth. This is simply not true. In fact, shaving your beard has nothing to do with thickness, growth speed, or beard color. 

The only reason shaving more often gives the illusion that your beard is getting thicker is that you are cutting the fine tips off and are left with a stub that’s coarser and thicker. In reality, your facial hair is not growing thicker or faster, your tips simply look rougher.

Reason 10 - You’ve Reached Your Terminal Length Limits

If your beard is already long and seems to have slowed its growth rate or even stopped growing it may be because you’ve reached your terminal beard length. 

The reason for this is the anagen growth phase generally lasts for 2 to 6 years, and when this phase ends your hair moves into the catagen or resting phase. 

After the catagen phase is the telogen phase and this is where the hair finally sheds. So, when you have a long beard and hairs begin nearing the end of their anagen phase your growth actually will slow or even stop.

Do Beard Growth Supplements Work?

The simple answer is yes. Beard growth supplements are packed with vitamins and minerals that stimulate the growth of hair. So, if you are looking for a way to increase your beard’s growth time and fullness it’s a great idea to find the supplement for your needs.

In conclusion, while your beard will eventually stop growing once it’s reached its maximum length there are plenty of things you can do if you’re not to that phase just yet. Eating a healthy diet, getting plenty of rest, exercise, taking beard growth supplements, and properly caring for your beard are the best things you can do for yourself.

Essential Ingredients of a Good Brain Booster Supplement

Essential Ingredients of a Good Brain Booster Supplement

When looking for the best brain boosting supplements, a lot of attention to detail should be taken into account. What, exactly, are the ingredients? Do they work? Is there any scientific evidence that they might? The answers to these questions are some of those that need to be asked.

There are several aspects to brain boosting supplements. Memory enhancement is one of the most sought after outcomes from these supplements, but the ones to look for are those that also are the best supplements for brain health.

What would be in the best brain boosting supplement?

Phosphatidylcholine: It is known that anticholinergic foods and medications have a potential link to dementia. These medications include both prescription and over the counter medications. Studies done on mice that were bred to have low levels of choline in the brain have extremely poor memory. A good brain supplement would address this issue.

AI Brain Mode Brain Booster has this in it. It comes from a natural food source, which makes it even better. Food based supplements tend to have more available nutrients than those made strictly from chemicals.

Going back to the mice, a study was done to see if the brain would develop more choline after ingestion of Phosphatidylcholine. Those mice who lacked sufficient amounts of the memory boosting chemical had the amounts boosted… along with their memory.

Bacopa monnieri: Part of promoting brain health is to use substances that are nootropic. That means that they help maintain the brain and find new pathways when something is wrong. According to PubMed, the Ayurvedic herb bacopa monnieri seems to have this property.

There are several reasons this is useful in finding the best brain boosting supplements. One is that it may help those who already suffer from dementia. It doesn’t seem to matter which stage it is in; some benefits appear to apply.

Because this is a newer herb to Western medicine, there are a few questions left. It is known to have low toxicity in humans and animal test subjects from use during the various studies. Some scientists worry that there may be long term toxicity problems, but that is rather unlikely. In India this herb has been used for thousands of years.

L-theanine: Have you ever had a cup of green tea and found yourself able to think more clearly afterwards? It’s not just the caffeine. That will be covered later in this article. One of the phytochemicals in green tea is called L-theanine. Various types of tea have been studied for a long time, and green tea is considered one of the best.

In animal models, this chemical has helped in several ways. In those that have Alzheimer’s disease, it has shown benefits for brain function. It has been studied for many years for its helpfulness with several types of mental illness. Depression, anxiety and even schizophrenia seem to be affected by L-theanine.

GABA: Our brains naturally produce GABA; it is a neurotransmitter. It is important and can diminish with age. It is also disrupted in some types of mental illness. It may be surprising, but many foods are naturally high in GABA. As some of them are on the menu for Thanksgiving and other holidays, it’s no real surprise that many want a nap afterward. It’s not just the tryptophan content of the turkey.

There is a bit of debate about whether or not GABA is useful as a supplement. While many studies have been done, some of them were done by scientists who may have had a conflict of interest. That said, even those without said conflict seem to support the use of GABA as a brain boosting supplement.

When looking at the ingredients label of a supplement, seeing a bunch of ingredients that don’t seem to come from nature can be rather off putting. However, as GABA is found in foods as wide ranging as potatoes and bananas, don’t be worried about its addition to your best brain boosting supplement.

Caffeine: Most people reach for a cup of coffee or tea in the mornings to help them wake up. Students who are studying often use caffeine to help them do so into the wee hours of the morning. There is a good reason for this. It helps with focus and attention.

The brain uses a lot of chemicals in order to function properly. One of the chemicals is called dopamine. While many consider it to be one of the reward chemicals in the brain, it doesn’t exactly work like that. However, it is important. Caffeine helps boost dopamine’s ability to focus on the rewards of results.

For this reason, a lot of people who are in sports will use caffeine to enhance their performances. However, that doesn’t mean that it is simply for that purpose. It will help enhance performance in many areas, including memory boosting.

Ginkgo: Who hasn’t heard of the benefits of ginkgo biloba for the brain? Most of us have and many take it faithfully. However, does it really help or is it a placebo? It depends on what you are looking for. This is an herb that seems to help prevent brain damage in some people, particularly athletes. However, it can do more than that.

When it is given to dementia patients, at least four studies suggest that it may help reduce some of the ravages of the disease. Combined with exercise, it may help improve memory for those who are looking for a brain booster. This ancient tree has many benefits.

Brain boosting supplements litter the market, but not all are made the same. Some have attention to detail, and that’s important if you want the best brain supplement, memory enhancer and brain booster available.














Testosterone booster for men

Top 10 Reasons Testosterone Levels Drop in Men

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If you paid even a passing amount of attention to your high school health classes, it’s likely that you are familiar with the hormone testosterone.

Testosterone actually exists in the bodies of both genders, but it is the primary hormone responsible for the development of men.

It does a lot of work in the male body, including controlling sex drive, sperm production, muscle mass, and energy.

It’s also responsible for some personality traits such as aggression and competitiveness.

It’s important that your body has sufficient levels of testosterone to promote overall health and wellness and to promote this, you’ll want to make sure that you keep an eye on signs that your testosterone levels have dropped lower than normal.

Why do Testosterone Levels Drop in Men?

A drop in testosterone has nothing to do with your personal masculinity. It’s a clinical issue that can stem from any number of sources.

We’ve outlined a few of these possible sources below:


If your body experiences a trauma that interrupts the blood supply to the testes can have a dramatic effect on their function that leads quickly to a low testosterone level.


Naturally, if you are undergoing treatment for cancer, chemotherapy wreaks havoc on the body.

Testosterone production is certainly a part of that damage, and it’s very likely you will experience low testosterone levels during chemo.

Certain Medications

If you are prescribed certain medications, including opioids, hormones, and steroids, they tend to interrupt testosterone production.

Prednisone is an example of one of these commonly prescribed medications that can inhibit testosterone levels.

Metabolic Dysfunction

Your metabolic system has a lot to do with the production of testosterone within the body, so any metabolic dysfunction including hemochromatosis would certainly prevent your testosterone levels from remaining stable.

Chronic Substance Abuse

The abuse of any substance from alcohol to drugs to opioids will have a marked effect on your testosterone production and lead to diminished levels, as those substances cause major repercussions throughout the body.

Chronic Disease

HIV/AIDS, inflammatory conditions, Kallman Syndrome, kidney failure, and any other major chronic illness are likely to have a major impact on every major system in your body, including testosterone production.

Uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes also contributes to testosterone production issues.

Obesity or Weight Loss

Obesity can certainly result in low testosterone, but it might surprise you to know extreme weight loss can also lead to an interruption in testosterone production.

Either way, your system is experiencing stress it isn’t designed for and will need to adjust to continue to function normally.

Estrogen Excess

An excess of estrogen can come from a simple hormonal imbalance or it could come from an environmental or external source.


As the body ages, it goes through dramatic changes, whether you are male or female, but one of the most common effects in men is low testosterone.

Steroid Abuse

It might seem counterintuitive that steroids cause low testosterone in users, but if taken to access, steroid abuse can lead to very low testosterone levels, since your system has been overloaded and interrupted for too long.

In many of these cases, the cause for your low testosterone might be a source you are aware of, particularly if it comes from a chronic disease or condition.

However, if you find that you experience the symptoms of low testosterone and you aren’t sure why it’s happening, it’s an excellent idea to speak to your physician about possible causes.

Low testosterone levels come from an interruption in your natural hormone production and this interruption can be a sign of an underlying condition that you are unaware of or it could be a sign that your body is reacting unexpectedly to a medication.

Additionally, if you are suffering from addiction to alcohol or drugs, low testosterone is one of the systems that will be affected by your substance abuse, and you will want to seek help for your addiction before you attempt to treat your low testosterone levels.

Signs You Might Be Suffering From Low Testosterone

While any number of these causes might bring about low testosterone in men, the effects of low testosterone can be tracked through the following symptoms:

  •     Diminished sex drive
  •     Erectile dysfunction
  •     Depression
  •     Difficulty concentrating or remembering things
  •     Overall fatigue or poor energy
  •     Moodiness, irritability, or difficulty controlling your mood.
  •     A decrease in muscle definition or mass
  •     A decrease in hemoglobin leading to mild anemia
  •     A decrease in body hair
  •     Loss of bone density leading to osteoporosis
  •     Weight gain and increased body fat
  •     Breast development, also known as gynecomastia
  •     Infertility

These symptoms can be inconvenient at best and seriously compromise your quality of life at worst.

If you are experiencing these symptoms, you will want to consult your doctor about the possible cause before you investigate options for treatment of the issue.

Fortunately, there are plenty of options out there for treatment, including testosterone supplements.

T boosters are designed to supplement your natural testosterone production and give you that extra bit of help that you need to live a healthy lifestyle.

At Dynamism Labs Parent company of Mantfup, we produce the best testosterone booster on the market. By combining our scientific knowledge of the body and our top tier ingredients, ours is the best testosterone booster for men that you could possibly find. If you’re looking for further information on our top-of-the-line products, you can find out more here.

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