Do Beard Growth Supplements Really Work

Do Beard Growth Supplements Really Work? Here’s 6 Reasons Why They Do

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Do you have a beard that you want to grow faster and thicker? The best way to achieve this is by a combination of beard grooming and taking beard growth vitamins. Beards have grown in popularity over the last several years, and so have the emergence of beard growth supplements. There are currently many in the market, but how do you know which one to choose? Today we’ll discuss the best beard growth supplement and the top 6 reasons why they work.

Reason 1 – They Contain Biotin

Biotin, or you may also know it as B7, is a vitamin that’s water-soluble and responsible for good skin health and the production of keratin. Studies have shown when you have a deficiency of biotin your hair will begin to thin. This vitamin is often discussed as the key ingredient for hair growth, as it affects the amino acids involved with protein synthesis. Hence, it will help both your hair and nails to grow. Just keep in mind that since it’s water-soluble most of your dosage will be expelled through your urine.

Reason 2 – They Contain Iron and Vitamin D

Beard growth supplements usually contain iron and vitamin D. These are wonderful nutrients for hair as research has proven that low iron levels and a vitamin D deficiency can lead to hair loss. When you take supplements that contain both of these compounds it will prevent this from happening, though it won’t grow a thicker beard. However, preventing hair loss will stop you from having patches of missing hair in your beard. You can also get high levels of iron and vitamin D from certain foods such as mackerel, salmon, tuna, dairy products, soy milk, cereal, beef liver, egg yolks, and cheese.

Reason 3 – Vitamin A Content

It’s been proven that having a deficiency of vitamin A will cause hair follicles to form small white lumps which can lead to hair loss. This vitamin is essential for the production of hair oil, or sebum, that prevents your hair from becoming brittle and dry. Hence, maintaining the right levels of vitamin A helps prevent hair loss caused by vitamin deficiency. It will also work to keep your beard hair healthy. Since vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin your body stores it well. Therefore, it is possible to overdose on vitamin A so be careful how much you consume.

Keep in mind that you may also be consuming foods high in this vitamin. Such foods include iceberg lettuce, cod liver oil, carrots, turkey liver, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, and more.

Reason 4 – Vitamin E Content

Vitamin E is a vitamin responsible for good blood circulation. When you have proper blood circulation levels it can aid in keeping your hair follicles healthy. It does so because it helps increase the amount of circulation to your scalp.

Reason 5 – They Contain Pantothenic Acid

Pantothenic acid is found in many foods such as salmon, chicken liver, avocados, sunflower seeds, mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes, broccoli, corn, and more. If you are not receiving the right amount of it in food form you should ensure your beard supplement contains it. This is because it’s thought that pantothenic acid is great for strengthening hair follicles which in turn helps them function properly.

Reason 6 – They Contain Inositol

Most beard supplements contain inositol. This is one of the best supplements for thicker hair. Inositol is a vitamin-like compound that is proven to help prevent your hair from thinning. Aside from getting this substance from supplements, you can also consume certain foods such as beef heart, lecithin oil, lecithin granules, liver, wheat germ, desiccated liver, and brown rice, among others.

In the end, the best way to grow a beard is to practice good beard grooming techniques and taking a daily beard growth supplement. Though there are many such supplements on the market, they are not all as effective as some. One of the best beard growth supplements we’ve found is Ultimate Beard Growth by Dynamism Labs. It’s available on their website and works well to nourish and hydrate your facial skin, as well as help to grow a thicker, manlier beard. By just taking the recommended 2 capsules per day it won’t take long to notice a major difference in your beard!

Brain booster supplements

10 Benefits of Memory Booster Supplements

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Brain health is essential for proper cognitive function. This is especially true as we age. The fact is that more people than ever are dealing with memory problems. 

Whether you’re a student or employee there’s no doubt you’re facing constant pressure to perform. This added stress can lead to declined brain functioning, but studies have shown brain booster supplements can help combat these problems. 

Today we’ll discuss 10 benefits of memory booster supplements.

What are Memory Supplements?

Memory supplements are natural vitamins and minerals in pill form that are shown to help improve memory and increase levels of concentration. They are used by many to help gain not only enhanced memory but also protect against conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Using such dietary supplements is a type of “biohacking” for your brain. Most people in today’s world suffer from overstimulation as we’re always staying busy, working long hours, and dealing with racing minds. Engaging in these activities alone can cause a lack of focus, declined ability to pay attention, memory issues, and the need to deal with constant distractions. 

Hence, watching what you eat, getting plenty of sleep, exercising, and taking the best supplements for brain health are worth trying. Doing these simple things will provide an improved mental state, stabilize moods, enhance focus and clarity, and may even prevent degenerative brain diseases.

Benefits of Memory Booster Supplements

As we discussed, there are many benefits to taking nootropics or memory boosters. The benefits will vary depending on what form of health supplements you choose to take. Let’s take a look at some of the most common ingredients and their benefits.

Prevents Mental Decline

Taking supplements that contain Omega-3 fatty acids can help prevent mental decline. Omega-3s are fats derived from docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which is an important structural component in the human brain. 

For this reason, fatty acids are one of the most essential nutrients for brain health and function. In fact, a deficiency of DHA can shrink your brain and lead to cognitive impairment. Taking supplements that contain DHA will shield an aging brain from depression, memory loss, age-related mental decline, and diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

DHA is available as an individual supplement or you can also get your daily dose from a fish oil supplement. In fact, fish oil on its own has a good reputation for aiding with brain function. It’s recommended to take 500 to 1,000 mg of omega-3 fatty acids per day.

Improves Alertness

Some memory supplements contain Acetyl-l-carnitine which is an amino acid that works great for improving alertness. 

Let’s face it, most of us don’t get the required amounts of sleep each night due to our busy lifestyles. 

Rather than relying on caffeine from energy drinks and coffee, taking a health supplement containing this compound is a more natural way to combat tiredness and make you feel more awake and alert.

Improves Memory

Research shows these types of supplements are great for improving memory. This is due in large part to the fact they contain choline which is a precursor to acetylcholine. 

Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that helps memory and learning. 

When purchasing a brain booster be sure to see if it contains alpha-GPC as it is a type of choline that enters the brain efficiently and quickly. Alpha-GPC also assists with forming cell membranes that are healthy and it increases levels of other neurotransmitters such as GABA, serotonin, and dopamine.

Improves Concentration

Memory booster supplements can do a great job of helping improve concentration. The compound citicoline occurs naturally in your body to synthesize choline found in meat and eggs. It’s also a lesser-known and underrated supplement for your brain. When taken at high levels it can greatly improve concentration, attention, focus, and memory.

Helps Growth of New Brain Cells

Brain supplements commonly contain a popular spice known as turmeric. While you may think it’s only used to add flavor to foods, think again. This powerful spice contains curcumin as its main active ingredient.

Curcumin is proven to not only help with improving concentration and memory but it also increases neurotransmitter formation, blood flow, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).  BDNF is an important factor here as it is the protein responsible for stimulating the growth of new brain cells.

Fights Depression

Depression is a way of life for many these days, and it alone can have a negative effect on cognitive function. Many nutrient blends contained in memory supplements include an underappreciated mineral known as magnesium l-theonate. 

What most people don’t realize is that a deficiency of magnesium can actually cause depression. A lack of magnesium prevents serotonin from binding with its receptors. In fact, studies have shown there’s a clear link between low magnesium levels and migraines, anxiety, fibromyalgia, depression, ADHD, and other conditions.

Helps Stabilize Moods

Much like how these supplements can help fight depression, they can also help stabilize moods. Supplements that contain certain vitamins and minerals can help increase levels of dopamine in the brain. 

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that controls a person’s pleasure and reward system. So, if you feel unmotivated, lethargic, or just not yourself a brain booster supplement with the right blend may be just what you need.

Rids the Brain of Waste

Another compound generally found in memory blends is phosphatidylserine (PS). This is a phospholipid that’s found in high levels inside brain cell membranes. 

PS helps the membranes act as “gatekeepers” for the brain by helping regulate the flow of nutrients into the brain and waste products out. It also helps reduce the natural wear that stress causes by helping regulate cortisol, the stress hormone.

Acts as an Anti-Inflammatory

It’s a great idea to look for memory supplements that contain l-tyrosine and vitamin B6. L-tyrosine is an amino acid that helps influence the production of numerous neurotransmitters.

 When combined with vitamin B6 it’s efficient at boosting the body’s immune system and helps decrease inflammation in the body. This helps maintain a healthy central nervous system.

Improves Overall Cognitive Function

Most of these brain supplements contain proprietary blends that include many of the vitamins and minerals we’ve discussed. 

The vitamins and minerals in such blends work together to improve overall cognitive function. In general, using a memory booster supplement offers long-term benefits with no side effects.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a way to regain your memory or simply prevent the onset of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease memory supplements are a great choice. There are many such supplements on the market today, so choosing the best supplement for brain health shouldn’t be that hard as long as you read the ingredients and choose one based on your individual needs

Foods and Supplements That Boost Your Testosterone Levels

Foods and Supplements That Boost Your Testosterone Levels

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As you may already know, testosterone is a sex hormone but it affects much more than sex. The amount of testosterone in men will have a direct impact on increased libido, weight loss, muscle mass and their sexual performance. Apart from these, testosterone levels also affect things like sperm production, hair growth, and the health of bone and muscle. So it’s only natural that an imbalance in testosterone levels is going to have some side effects on the human body.

Some of the signs that your testosterone is low are:

  • Changes in your sleep pattern
  • Physical changes like fat gain and muscle loss
  • Sexual changes like a lower libido, or infertility
  • Emotional changes like depression or anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Hair Loss
  • Mood Changes<
  • Poor Memory

If you think that you may be feeling the effects of low testosterone levels, don’t be hopeless.  They are likely not permanent. You can boost your testosterone levels naturally just by adding certain foods and supplements to your diet.

We discuss a few of those foods in this blog.


Tuna is rich in vitamin D, which helps promote a longer life and boosts production of testosterone. It’s a heart-healthy, protein-rich food that’s low in calories. Moderation is important, don’t eat too much seafood because too much mercury isn’t a good thing.

Egg Yolks

If you don’t have preexisting cholesterol issues, eating one egg per day is a safe and nutritional way to increase testosterone levels. The vitamin D found in egg yolks is thought to have a positive effect on low testosterone.


Zinc is an important nutrient during puberty, and its positive effects can potentially keep male hormones in check through adulthood. Men who have low testosterone can possibly benefit from increasing their zinc intake if they also have zinc deficiencies.

Oysters are great sources of zinc!

Beef & Red Meats

Some cuts of red meat do have a lot of fat, so you need to be picky when you’re choosing what part of the beef you choose to eat. Eating the lean and lower fat cuts can be beneficial to increasing testosterone because it’s a good source of vitamin D.


Beans are loaded up with zinc, vitamin D and other valuable nutrients. Beans are very beneficial to men’s health, so if you’re trying to boost your testosterone levels, incorporate them into your diet.

Another natural way to have increased testosterone levels is to get plenty of restful sleep. This means staying on a good sleep schedule and trying to get a full eight hours every night. Exercising to maintain your cardiovascular health and taking high quality testosterone boosters supplements will all help in raising those levels naturally.

Best testosterone builder

10 Fundamental Eating Habits for Muscle Gain

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Building muscles is not what it used to be; a way to impress the girls. Instead, it is a serious sport and it can be a means of staying healthy. 

Building muscles takes a lot of exercise, which doctors say is good for overall health and for keeping weight under control. 

However, there is more to gaining muscle than the exercises. Another important part of it is what is eaten.

What to eat


If you’ve ever watched the pre-game meal of many pro football players, meat was probably the main thing on the menu. Protein is vital to both building muscle and health. However, it is important to choose protein wisely.

There are three schools of thought. One is basically the carnivore diet. Meat is central to it, with other things on the side… maybe. Even those who aren’t building muscle can ascribe to this diet. Keto is a good example. Second is to skip meat all together. There are other sources of protein, and it is friendlier to the body and to the planet to skip meat.

The school of thought that seems to work the best is all things in moderation. Choose lean cuts of meat or fatty fish and keep it to one serving a day or less. A serving is about the size of a pack of cards.

Protein drinks These are very popular. Brands like Muscle Milk come in ready to drink bottles or huge plastic jars of powder. If you wish to go this route, it is best to choose one that does not have soy in it. Soy can cause reproductive cancer and is best avoided.

Raw fruit

Why raw? It has more available nutrients than the preserved counterparts do. The only exception to this is frozen berries. They tend to have more antioxidants once frozen than they do fresh and raw. When choosing frozen berries, it is wise to read the ingredient label to avoid excess sugar.

Raw vegetables

This is partly for the same reason. There is a bit more to it. If you consider a raw carrot versus a cooked one, you can see that it will take more energy to chew the raw one. There is no zero energy food, but too many calories are not a good thing.

Whole grains

There is a trick to this one. When shopping for whole grains, read the ingredients label carefully. The package may say “whole wheat” in big letters on the front of the package. Chances are good that when you read, the first ingredient is white flour. Fourth or fifth there may be some whole wheat.

If you look for packages that say “multi-grain,” you may be closer. However, they can still trick you. Always read the labels of everything. The same holds true for pasta, oats and any other whole grain food item.


Yes, snacks are useful in this. In fact they are vital both pre and post workout. Like any other part of a diet for muscle gain, the snacks have to be chosen with care. Here is where the protein powders and/or bars can come in handy. A pre-workout snack should have some protein and something like fresh fruit or vegetables. After the workout, more protein plus carbs are a good plan.


Technically this is a drink, but hydration is extremely important, especially when trying to build muscles. For those who are sedentary, a gallon of water per day is adequate. However, building muscle means training, and training vigorously.That causes a lot of perspiration, which dehydrates quickly.

There is such a thing as too much water, but talk to a trainer about what is right for your body. In this instance, another sixteen ounces or more may be needed to make up for what is lost due to intense physical activity.

What not to eat?

Just as there are fundamental things to eat when trying to build muscle mass, there are a few to avoid. Most of these should be avoided by everyone, but in particular for those who are working hard to be extremely physically fit.

Excess sodium

There will be a need to have some sodium, as perspiration will rid the body of it. However, high sodium foods are not something to consume. This includes most chips, French fries and so on. Most of these foods are also gratuitous carbs, and would not be wise for that reason.

Energy drinks

It is so tempting; that extra boost of energy. It’s especially tempting after a long day at work and before facing an intense workout. Please, skip the energy drinks. They are more harmful than the boost they provide is worth. Afib, heart palpitations, heart attacks and strokes can lie in that direction.

High fructose corn syrup

The number of products high fructose corn syrup can be found in is astounding. Even savory foods may have some of this sugar. This is one reason that all of us should read every label of every food we want to eat or drink. Even some coffee creamers are guilty in this area.

High fat foods

Animal protein does come with some fat. However, if you look up the nutrition data on a Big Mac and large fries at McDonald’s, you’ll note that along with the protein comes two days’ worth of fat. Lean protein is much healthier and provides more available nutrients than does its high fat counterparts.

This sounds like it is difficult to employ, but in actuality it is similar to the other changes made in habits for the goal of building muscles. This is an activity that calls for a great deal of self-discipline, which will benefit those who work for it in other aspects of life.

Finally, healthy eating and a strategic workout plan can help you gain muscles. However, why not build this muscle faster and more effectively by trying out a muscle gain supplement? You may see delayed results from working out or eating well. 

One of the reasons can be low testosterone levels. But, this doesn’t have to slow you down. Learn more about Dynamism Labs testosterone boosting supplements for men

Are testosterone boosters safe for men

Is It Safe for Men to Use Testosterone Boosters?

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You’re a man over the age of 30, and for some reason, you don’t feel as spry as used to be. These days, you don’t feel very energetic, and you’ve lost your stamina. But most alarming is the fact that your sex drive has gone down. Way down.

You’re not alone, though. Research shows that testosterone levels generally drop up to 2% annually after the age of 30.

The good news? A real testosterone booster, also known as a t booster, can give you the boost in libido, stamina, and energy that you once had.

But are testosterone boosters truly safe? Fortunately, the answer is yes. Here’s a rundown on how safe these supplements are.

Let’s get started!

Purpose of a T Booster

Testosterone is the main sex hormone in men that causes developing boys’ sex organs to grow. This hormone also supports the growth of facial hair, the development of denser muscles, and broader shoulders.

When testosterone rises, so does your sexual excitement. In addition, testosterone gives you the energy you need to go about your day.

Unfortunately, low testosterone can cause you to feel fatigued, even after you’ve gotten sleep.

According to research, a whopping five million men across the United States suffer from low testosterone and the tiredness that comes with it.

A T booster, however, is designed to increase testosterone so that you can get your energy and sex drive back.

Why a Real Testosterone Booster Is Safe

A real testosterone booster is generally safe to use because they don’t necessarily contain hormones, like testosterone.

Instead, these supplements contain substances, like herbs, that should boost natural testosterone production in your body. For instance, look for healthy ingredients like the following:

    • Horny goat weed extract
    • Wild yam extract
    • Tongkat ali extract
    • Nettle extract
    • Boron
    • Sarsaparilla
    • Orchic substance
    • Saw palmetto extract

Horny goat weed extract in particular is an herb known to help with low sexual desire, erectile dysfunction, and physical or mental fatigue.In addition, wild yam extract is a plant that helps to increase energy and sex drive.

Meanwhile, saw palmetto extract is often used to alleviate stress and increase libido. of all of these natural ingredients can increase your health and overall quality of life.

How We Can Help with Testosterone Boosters

We offer top-of-the-line testosterone boosters for men who need help reaching the performance levels they once attained in their younger years.Our MANTFUP Test Boost is proven to increase vitality, boost stamina, and improve energy.

This real testosterone booster is made with natural ingredients, as the supplements are essentially vegetable capsules.

Therefore, you can rest assured that our t booster is safe to consume time and time again.

You’ll simply take two of these dietary supplement tablets each day either without or with food.

Get in touch with us to learn more about our t booster and experience its powerful effects for yourself in the days, weeks, and months ahead.

Nitric Oxide Supplements for Men

5 Health Benefits of Nitric Oxide Supplements for Men

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The world of pre-workout supplements can be overwhelming if you don’t know where to start. There are a lot of options but they won’t all be right for you.

Doing a little bit of research is very helpful for finding a supplement that will boost your stamina and boost your muscle growth.

The first step is to know what the purpose of a pre-workout formula or supplement actually is. The goal is to take something that helps you build muscle faster and have increased endurance.

Nitric oxide is a naturally occurring compound in the body that causes your blood vessels to widen, and stimulates the release of certain hormones, such as insulin and human growth hormone. This process is very helpful in boosting muscle growth. In this article, we will look at seven benefits of nitric oxide as a supplement for men.

1. Improves Exercise

Nitric oxide boosters are known to increase the amount of oxygen that gets pumped to the muscles during activity. Research has shown that taking NO2 pre workout supplements makes you more tolerant of exercise and have increased endurance.

2. Promotes a Healthy Heart

When taken as a supplement, nitric oxide supplements have been known to enhance heart health by increasing blood flow and lowering blood pressure. As we know, increased blood flow is a very important aspect of building muscles and getting stronger. 

3. Reducing Erectile Dysfunction

When taken as a supplement, nitric oxide supplements have been known to enhance heart health by increasing blood flow and lowering blood pressure. As we know, increased blood flow is a very important aspect of building muscles and getting stronger. 

4. Reduced Soreness Post-Workout

One of the more noticable benefits of taking nitric oxide pre workout supplements is the lessened side effects after exercise. People who take nitric oxide boosters consistently before exercising report feeling less sore and having less discomfort after working out. 

5. Better Nutrient Delivery

Your blood is constantly delivering nutrients and vitamins and minerals to your body. It is natural to make the conclusion that when there is more nitric oxide in your blood, improving blood flow, that the result will be better nutrient delivery to all parts of the body. This also improves the immune system.

Finding the best and highest quality Nitric Oxide Boosters and NO2 pre workout supplements can be tricky with so many brands on the market these days. Taking a pre workout like MANTFUP NO2 Extreme Pre Workout Formula with Nitric Oxide Boosters is one of the fastest ways to see the muscle pump growth you’re looking for from your workout.

The truth behind a Beta Male personality type.

The truth Behind a Beta Male Personality Type

What being an Beta really means:

He does not want to be seen but enjoys seeing his plans fall into place. He is a master of moving around the behind-the-scenes elements and never receiving credit.

Value in comparison:

The mistake most make is considering the Beta to be weaker than the Alpha. Just as in the animal kingdom, the female is one that does the daily hunting that keeps the pride alive, the male does the monthly BIG FIGHTS to keep the pride safe, both elements are essential.

Company leadership is usually in the limelight accepting the accolades for a job well done while the team that actually executed the task quietly enjoy their bonuses. Beta’s understand that limelight can quickly become cannon smoke. They understand that it is far better to assist several kings than risk being beheaded by everyone that wants your power.

Top issues faced by Beta men that we don’t talk about:

Running multiple scenarios using live people as pawns can get very tricky. Be aware in sharp changes in direction, motive and focus as it is necessary to monitor the moods, needs and influences of key players. Is there a function that he REFUSES to attend? Is there someone that wronged him greatly and he seemed to simply “let it go” without a fight? There is a plan brewing.

How to help your Beta man improve of things you may not know he’s working on:

Information is FUEL to a Beta man. Usually, this type of man is much more interested in communication on a relationship level than an Alpha. They are interested in understanding how people think and what motivates them. If this is the case, then copious amounts of data is needed in order to create the right plan to lure them into the needed position. So the best thing you can do is Recon. Search and report back on people, places, events, deals. Anything that you think he could use in his arsenal.  

Testosterone Booster: Improve energy, libido and overall confidence.


Looking for faster results for your Beta: 

Not every man is built to stand in the limelight. Every head needs a neck to tell it where to focus its attention. If your man is a “Behind-The-Scenes” type of person, support his strength and enhance his confidence to find his own lime light with Testosterone Booster.

Caution: Understand that NO man looks forward to getting medical advice from his love interest unless they are in the medical field. There is a machismo that interrupts our understanding of how much you care for us until we catch the flu and melt into a useless pile of sweaty pajamas begging for soup and meds.

Natural brain boosting supplements

How to Define 20th Century Alpha Male

What being an Alpha really means:

He is accustomed to responsibility. 

He shines most when the pressure is on him to make the decision. But, he can sometimes be distant. He feels that most people cannot understand the pressure he is under.

Value in comparison:

Once a decision is made, he will do his best to accomplish it IF the priority remains at the top. With an Alpha, there are always dozens of situations in his head that he is working though. So if it seems that he is not paying attention, it could possibly mean that his brain is working on solving a problem outside of his conscious mind. It may look like he’s reading the paper and should have the capacity to listen to you, but in reality, he is skimming headlines and key words searching for a hint to a solution he is thinking about.

Top issues faced by Alpha’s that we don’t talk about:

Delegation and trust are amongst the top relationship killers for Alphas. There are so many issues in the air that he is personally responsible for that it can sometimes become difficult to talk about. If we explain what our TOP concern is to you and you do not share in the agreement of its importance then there is a level of shame or frustration now added to the mix. It’s easier if we just work on it ourselves and bear the consequence of the actions.

How to help your Alpha man improve things you may not know he’s working on:

Stop asking questions. Step in when you can. Stop asking him to stop working and focus on you and the family. Every moment that he spends working IS done for you and the family. If you would like for him to spend more time away from work, it is up you to create an atmosphere of calmness and NO stress. Provide a sanctuary where he can peacefully escape the burden of responsibility keeping a high level of productivity.

Looking for faster results for your Alpha:

AI Mode Brain Booster: Improves Focus & Long-term Mental Performance

Based on his daily responsibilities, he needs to stay sharp, no matter what mood he may be in at the time. Though he may not mention it, there is an incredible stress to remember key details and individual scenarios at play. AI Mode Brain Booster is designed to enhance immediate sharpness while maintaining long-term concentration for hours.

Caution: Understand that NO man looks forward to getting medical advice from his love interest unless they are in the medical field. There is a machismo that interrupts our understanding of how much you care for us until we catch the flu and melt into a useless pile of sweaty pajamas begging for soup and meds.


The Beta+Plus Man – Perfectly Combining Brain and Skill

What being a Beta+Plus really means:

He is quiet in his own regard but never afraid to stand up for the little guy.

He hates bullies, however, can become one very quickly if the circumstances are aligned (Smaller crowd, less chance of embarrassment).

Value in comparison:

Great person to have on your side in a leadership position. Most Beta Plus leaders hate being in charge. They do not wave their intelligent, experience, or money in the face of others with less, but will still enjoy an expensive meal and/or drink because they like it personally. They do what they love for themselves and protect the ones they love with vicious disregard for anything else.

Top issues faced by Beta Plus men that we don’t talk about:

Rather discuss tactics than emotions. There are a lot of reasons that we do what we do. Revenge is rarely the case with this type of man. It is more likely that they would interact in order to prevent an injustice from happening again than to avenge someone wronged. Beta Plus men are interested in moving past an annoying situation and getting back to a happy peaceful state of mind. We’d rather know what you are going to do about it than how you feel about it.

How to help your Beta Plus man improve things you may not know he’s working on:

Provide a place to think and identify elements that stimulate his personal interests. Books, education (potentially boring videos), conferences, and other scenarios where people excel without needing a team. Find places or events that you can both have fun that do not require a lot of talking or interacting with others in a co-dependent environment.

Looking for faster results for your Alpha:

NO2 Extreme: Enhanced energy for workouts & after work-duties.

When home and work tasks become routine, there is usually a significant drop in energy levels. The excitement from new ideas, opportunities, and growth potential is what drives us. When this energy is low or dropping the opportunity for relationship disaster grows. NO2 puts back that creative fire to consider new and innovate ways to handle the most mundane tasks. 

Caution: Understand that NO man looks forward to getting medical advice from his love interest unless they are in the medical field. There is a machismo that interrupts our understanding of how much you care for us until we catch the flu and melt into a useless pile of sweaty pajamas begging for soup and meds.

Alpha Plus Male Type

The Most Sought After Personality Type, Alpha Plus

Looking great while accomplishing high-level tasks is very important.​

This can be from a physical standpoint (awesome suit) to being recognized company wide or in press for their achievement. In either situation, the visuals of his success NEED to be recognized.

Value in comparison:

He is cocky because he is good. Like REALLY good. He accepts the accolades for work he has accomplished but it may have been a little while since his last win and he is itching for another trophy. He carries himself as if always ready for an interview and can list what he is most proud of in his life.

Top issues faced by an Alpha-Plus that we don’t talk about:

Regret & Depression: You can’t start yelling after you win, that’s only ½ the fun. The REAL fun comes in from “trash-talking” co-workers, bosses, competition, and anyone else that will listen far before the competition even gets underway. This especially hurts when we DON’T win.

We may play the humble role or pretend to be good sports, but in all honesty, we are hurting! There may be no consolidation for this moment but the next few days are crucial.

We’ve heard the sales rhetoric, “Don’t get caught in the quicksand.” What this term actually means is that once you lose a sale, competition, or ANY opportunity, we immediately fall into a mini-depression. If we do not claw our way out quickly there is a good chance it can have much longer resonating damage than originally anticipated.

Quick to disregard the next appointment, closing files that were “on-the-fence” are all ways we are trying to protect ourselves from further heartache.

Way’s top help your Alpha Plus get over a loss.

Support him. Remind him of his recent successes. Review the process (after some time has passed) and try to identify where it went wrong. Sometimes, there is nothing that he could have done better and now is when he needs to know that. Explaining that under the exact same scenario, he would have closed a dozen other deals with no problem. This one was just not meant to be.

Looking for faster results for your Alpha + Beta Tendencies:

Lean: Advanced fat burner and metabolic booster.

Keep his mind from wandering to his physique by making sure he starts off every day with a super charged metabolism. Watch the pounds melt way as his FitBit Step counter tops 10k. We’ve improved the formula to offer fat burners that work with your normal body chemistry to turn your body into a fat burning furnace!

Caution: Understand that NO man looks forward to getting medical advice from his love interest unless they are in the medical field. There is a machismo that interrupts our understanding of how much you care for us until we catch the flu and melt into a useless pile of sweaty pajamas begging for soup and meds.

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